Tower of Purification issue


Recently, global warming and environmental pollution problems are becoming more serious day by day .There are three main causes of global warming: carbon dioxide + fine dust, an eco-friendly and inefficient energy generation process, and population density problems. These three factors will cause much more problems and accelerate the end of the Earth. Scientists predicted that our descendants would not see the light if they could not prevent global warming in innovative ways within 2030. We have improved so many laws and suggested many concepts for our planet, but it is never a way to prevent global warming 100%.
Tower of Purification NYC street view
Tower of Purification Logo

TOP (Tower of Purification) located the cities where has a lot of problems related with global warming. It solves all three main causes of warming, has a common goal of "preventing global warming" and "returning the Earth's environment to before the 19th century". It also has fine dust purification technology, energy mass production, and various residential facilities. 

As its name suggests, these towers will purify the polluted Earth's atmosphere and environment in a short time.

Height: 2,700m / 8,858ft

Location: Seoul, South Korea

Status: Vision

Use: Residential / Hotel / Office / Park & Green Space / Educational / Festivals & Club / Others

Height: 2,500m / 8,202ft

Location: New York / United States

Status: Vision

Use: Residential / Hotel / Office / Park & Green Space / Museum / Amusement Park / Others


From 500m to 1,600m in height, 359,640 small spherical modules are distributed in all directions, 660 for each floor. The distributed modules absorb air at a large pressure and send it to the Purification Core through a special pipe. 
Purification Core purifies the air throughout the country by removing 95% of fine dust and various harmful substances from the air through a five-step filter, pouring air into a huge hole in the center of the building at great pressure.
Tower of Purification sky view
As mentioned earlier, the Earth's carbon dioxide emissions and the increase in fine dust become serious every day, and it is a great harm to the natural ecosystem and humans. However, there are many ways to reduce this number, but it has little effect, and in fact, it does not help much. So I imagined an innovative concept to prevent this problem. 
Step 1: 359,640 spherical modules (Purification Sphere)installed in all directions at 500m to 1600m above the outer wall of the building absorb air from the atmosphere.
Step 2: The air collected by Purification Sphere moves through a pipe in the center of the slab to a huge hole in the center of the building.

Step 3: Purify contaminated air through a filter of five steps in the purification core. (Free Blackout Filter, Medium Filter, Hepa Filter, AC Deodorization Filter)
Step 4: At a height of a mile, vertically purified air is released with large pressure to replace the polluted air inside the building, mountains, villages, cities, and parts of the country with clean air to reduce fine dust and carbon dioxide concentration in the city by 95 percent at the same time.
This system and process are placed in TOP buildings around the world to purify the Earth's air, clean the world, and return the Earth's average temperature back to that of the 19th century.


Antimatter is an expansion of the concept of antiparticles into substances. Particles have the same mass and spin as ordinary particles, but only different charges. When antimatter and general materials are fused together, they react to each other's charges with the same principle as magnets, resulting in enormous energy as the mass disappears close to 100%. For example, fusing 1g of antimatter and 1g of each material produces 1 billion times more energy than thermal power plants. 
By applying this, I made a huge particle accelerator and anti-hydrogen generator on the lower floor of the building to provide sufficient energy to the entire country, including the city. So far, more research is needed on antimatter, but mankind will someday achieve its dream, as it has always been.
Tower of Purification anti-hydrogen generator diagram
Tower of Purification floor plan 2
Tower of Purification particle accelerator
Tower of Purification structure diagram

What is antimatter?
Antimatter was predicted by Paul Dirac's Dirac equation and then discovered by Carl D. Anderson. Antimatter is the opposite concept of matter (materials with negative energy). Mass or spin is the same material asother materials, but only the charge is the opposite. When matter and antimatter meet, an annihilation phenomenon occurs, in the same principle as magnets, attracting electrons and antimotrons, protons and antimotrons to each other to almost zero mass, while generating enormous energy (E=mc²).

Limitations and development
Antimatter exists only in space. This is because it melts in Cosmic Rays in space, but disappears as it enters the Earth's atmosphere. In addition, even if antimatter is brought into the Earth, it disappears immediately when it comes into contact with the matter. so there is a limit to its current technology. However, CERN lab succeeded in producing antimatter through particle accelerators and preserving it for 16 minutes. Scientists are trying to store and mass-produce antimatter, and technology continues to develop.
Antimatter energy
Let's take a bomb as an example. The value of the interrelationship between mass and energy of a nuclear fusion bomb is 0.7%, but the value of an antimatter bomb is almost 100%, so it can produce tens of times more powerful energy than nuclear fusion technology. Give one more example, the amount of energy created by combining 1g of antimatter and 1g of matter can produce 1 billion times the energy of thermal power plants.

Anti-Hydrogen Generator
Technology is still insufficient to generate electricity by making generators out of antimatter. In order for this concept to become a reality, some assumptions are needed.
1. When mass production is possible 
with less time and cost of antimatter.
2. When a technology capable of 
storing antimatter indefinitely is developed.
When this assumption is established, the Earth will finally become an energetic planet. Then, let's get to know about the concept of an antimatter generator. First, when particles of ordinary matter are rotated into a particle accelerator and subjected to several processes, and at the same time, gamma rays, which are frequencies that vibrate incredibly fast, are fired to produce antimatter. The process of converting the generated antimatter into Anti-Hydrogen proceeds in the Anti-Hydrogen Generator. The building opposite produces a large amount of regular hydrogen. The generated Anti-Hydrogen and hydrogen are stored in each storage and partially fused in Convergence Bridge. In the process, huge energy is generated, supplying energy to buildings while also transmitting energy to some other cities. This eliminates the need 
for all the power plants we have installed so far. This is because the Anti-Hydrogen Generator remains even after replacing it. The remaining energy used in some TOPs will be delivered to energy-poor countries through special means of transportation.
TOP buildings have various systems to purify the environment, but at the same time, all facilities necessary for humans to live, such as people living, working, and large green spaces and farms are here
Tower of Purification residential interior
Tower of Purification usage diagram

Take a person as an example. A person does not fall or collapse while straightening one hand and lifting heavy objects. However, in most cases, buildings fall sideways or the protruding part is cut off. The difference between the two is that a person has the energy to lift and the power to withstand, but the building does not have the two. 
So I decided to use current and magnetic fields to maintain a design that does not install bridges or supportable structures as the three upper buildings rotate vertically. 
There are five large pillars on the outer side of the upper layer, and magnets and steel are contained every 3 meters inside the pillar. The magnet uses a magnetic field to hold iron, and current flows through it to maximize the power of the magnetic field. If this structure is repeated in a certain form, the magnetic field creates and holds out the shape of the building, so the design of the building can be maintained with infinite power and energy.
Tower of Purification magnet field steel frame structure diagram

At a height of one mile above the sky, the shape of the tower is divided into three branches, rotating without a bridge or supporting structure, and appears in an unstable shape. Then, how can the design be maintained without a supporting structure and structurally stable? That is, how can a building go against the forces of gravity and physics?
Suppose a person weighing 80kg holds a 30kg dumbbell with one hand. This person can stand using the weight and strength of the arm and body. If one arm weighs about 10kg, the weight of the holding side will be 70kg, and the weight of the dumbbell and arm will be 40kg. That is, the weight ratio is 7:4. This can be compared to the length and weight of the building. Assuming that there is an r-shaped building, the height is about 700 m and the protruding part is 400 m. If there was a building like this, it would have collapsed even before it was completed. Let's find the difference between the two. Among the elements in the human body, something that is not in the building. The bones can be compared to the steel structure, the spine to the core, and the skin to the curtain wall. But what is the force and energy of using it to lift dumbbells against gravity? Have we ever imagined about it? A building with power and energy.
I'll just call it power, including power and energy. The power here refers to the fundamentals and elements or methods in which gravity and physical phenomena can be stably located away from the general structural engineering world. If you knew about the concept of power, let's find out how to apply the concept of power to buildings.
There maybe many ways to apply power, but I developed a magnetic field steel structure by applying the relationship between current and magnetic fields. In the section where the aforementioned building is divided into three branches, there are four huge steel pillars on the outline side of each building. Inside the four pillars, there are 300 huge magnets and 299 ultra-high-strength steel. Huge magnets respond to steel, push, pull, and fix the steel according to the arrangement of the magnets. The arrangement shape of the magnets is arranged according to the shape of the Cage that is not affected by the magnetic field. And the joints that connect the steel and the cage tightly bind the steel and the magnet. In addition, a high-pressure current flows in the perpendicular direction of the magnet, causing the magnetic field of the magnet to be tens of times stronger. Based on these huge steel pillars, if we raise the floor and curtain wall with the feeling of tying up a concrete layer, human will finally complete a ultra skyscraper using power technology & structure.
Tower of Purification logo
Architect: Changsub Lee (Age:13) 
Revealed on: eVolo skyscraper competition 2022
Program used:
Rhino 7.0 & GRASSHOPPER, Sketchup 2021, 
Enscape 3.0, Lumion 11 and Photoshop 2021
4/25/2021 ~ 19/11/2021
Hope you love my work :D
s.h.lee website logo

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